Monday, September 20, 2010

There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood is a movie that I could watch hundreds of times and still not be tired of its genius. This blog post should actually be called There Will Be Spoilers, so if you haven't seen the movie I would suggest skipping to the second paragraph unless you want an awesome movie semi-ruined for yourself. Daniel Day-Lewis plays one of the best characters in my opinion that have ever been created. We are never told why he is so angry to begin with, maybe it is his love for money that corrupts himself, but what's certain is he is a man full of hate and bitterness and enough anger to take down an entire city. And this isn't shown by him walking around being rude to people, but rather by him getting more and more frustrated at life. I feel as if the ending scene in which he forces Eli to claim that he is a false profit totally is mocking the scene that happens many many years ago  when Eli forces Daniel to proclaim to the entire church and town that he abandoned his child and is a sinner. Such an awesome and realistic take on things in my opinion.

    Anyway, if you haven't seen it I recommend it. Or really any of Paul Thomas Anderson's movies. He is easily in my top 5 favorite directors. All of his characters always have so many levels and in addition to the soundtrack selections and original scores, he creates a world of chaos and panic in a seemingly simple lifestyle.


  1. I'll be sure to check out this movie sometime. :)

  2. freakin awesome movie man. generally agree with your review dude keep it up. might watch it again sometime..

  3. lol, spoilers indeed. none-the-less, I think I'll check out the movie anyways, you make it sound pretty good lol

  4. looks pretty good, gl with getting more followers <3

  5. You know I downloaded this movie a long time ago. NEver watched it though. I'll have to check it out.

  6. I've heard lots of people talk about it, but never got around to watching it myself. Now I really want to :P

  7. Gonna watch it, anyway, showing some daily love.

  8. "There Will Be Blood" is my number one movie of the last decade. I wrote a list about my Top 25 movies of the OO's on my own blog if youre interested in the other 24 ;-)

    If you like "There Will Be Blood" I would recommend you also "The Page Turner", which is also on my list. Also a very quit and slow, but very intense and powerfull movie.

    But I watched TWBB only like 4 times so far, because its just so massive and huge. I couldnt watch it every day.

  9. Nice post, I love that movie as well :) Saw it with a few friends last weekend, for my seventh time :O

  10. adding to my will see list of movies

  11. ive seen the movie and its great.. Amazing Photography and mood.

  12. I agree, great movie, probably going to watch it again sometime soon, thanks for sharing!

  13. the problems mentioned in this film seem to be very current ones

  14. You're one smart moviegoer, mate.

  15. I really lived this movie, great stuff

  16. I liked it because Johnny from Radiohead did the OST:D

  17. I still hadn't got round to watching this, but after reading this I'll go to go get ahold of a copy!

  18. shit ive never been able to watch it since its too long i always catch it torwards the end or in the middle and if i catch it at the beggining, theres always something i gotta do. : (

  19. Just love this movie
