Monday, September 20, 2010

Me and You and Everyone We Know

   I thought I would take the time this morning while playing hookie from the rest of my classes to review a very entertaining and thought provoking movie, Me and You and Everyone We Know. It was written, directed and starred Miranda July who is awesome. If you haven't checked out any of her art it's really neat stuff. In the same vain as a Kimya Dawson song (simple but uplifting). While the story and characters were incredible, quirky, and beautiful, I think the soundtrack made the movie for me. I watched the movie in February and the soundtrack album is already in my top 5 most played on It's an awesome story of a simple life and love and beauty everywhere, definitely check it out. I hate reading plots because I start having expectations so I won't reveal any details to you.



  1. Sounds really good, will check it out. I bomb/click generously, do the same for me!

  2. Well, I guess you give me no choice but to go out and rent it now. ^_^

  3. sometimes the O.S.T.s are better than the movies themselves

  4. I just saw this movie a few weeks ago, I really liked it

  5. thanks for the movie suggestion. i will definitely check it out! :)

  6. nice post! Please check out and follow my SC2 strategy blog =)

  7. Never heard of this. I will definitely check it out!

  8. movie is incredible, really a testament to the nature of being alive

  9. this is one of my all-time favorites. haven't seen it in a minute.
